Spanish Truth for Youth® Bible

To bring the message of the Gospel to young people and to counter the ill effect of the liberal agenda being promoted aggressively in our society, Revival Fires International launched a campaign to distribute The Truth For Youth® to every teenager.
In a very effective and unique evangelism outreach, we encourage every young person to give a copy of The Truth For Youth® to their friends. Thousands of young people are receiving Christ through these efforts.
The main goal of The Truth For Youth® is to bring the message of the Gospel to young people so they might receive Christ and become His disciples. Revival Fires International has made reaching young people with the truth of God's Word a top priority.
Revival Fires International has made it a top priority to reach young people throughout the world with the truth of God's Word!

Truth for Youth® features the Reina-Valera 95® Translation New Testament and 96 pages of powerful, full-color comic stories that present the "absolute truth" about issues that young people are confronted with. These include:
Truth for Youth® Bible has been enthusiastically endorsed by some of America's most prominent spiritual leaders. Read what they had to say:
"I was excited to hear about The Truth For Youth Bible and pleased to know that many young people are being won to the Lord through this book. We wish you God's best as you continue to minister to young people."
Billy Graham
"I highly commend Tim Todd for designing THE TRUTH FOR YOUTH bible. The spectacular comics within THE TRUTH FOR YOUTH deal with important issues that today's youth are faced with and it is making an eternal impact in our schools and around the country. THE TRUTH FOR YOUTH is the most powerful outreach tool available for use by the Holy Spirit to change the lives of millions of young people today! Without reservation, I highly recommend it to every teenager in America!"
Michael Reagan
Son of the late President Ronald Reagan
"The Truth For Youth Bible is a wonderful tool that is a deterrent to the decadence that this generation confronts on a daily basis. In light of all the violence in America's public schools The Truth For Youth Bible is timely! It falls in line with what God is speaking to my heart."
Bishop T.D. Jakes
"I salute Tim Todd for packaging God's Word and His specific instruction of the issues that face all young people today in such a gripping and contemporary way. God bless each reader!"
Pat Boone
"Tim Todd's Truth For Youth Bible is making a difference in the lives of young people. One of these Bibles in the hands of every American teenager could change the course of our nation."
Actor Dean Jones
"The Truth For Youth, the astounding and anointed Bible designed specifically for this final generation, is literally changing young people everywhere. While it tackles the issues facing our children today, it arrests them with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I believe those who dare to read The Truth For Youth Bible will be forever changed and liberated from the trappings of Satan."
Pastor Rod Parsley
"The Truth For Youth Bible is what America's youth need today. What a powerful way to get the attention of our kids and share the real truth with them."
David Ring
"Let me tell you what has happened, because I love the teenagers of America. Brother Tim, every "Truth For Youth" Bible that you have printed and struggled to raise money for: the design, the thoughts and everything about it. Little rubies and little diamonds are being placed in a crown for you in Heaven. Why? Because it is not a selfish ambition. It is to get kids into the Word and to get them growing in God.
The Truth For Youth gets teens into the Word and gets them growing in God. Rubies and diamonds are being placed in a crown in Heaven for every Truth For Youth Bible Tim Todd has provided for young people."
The Late Evangelist Steve Hill
"The Truth for Youth Bible is an extraordinary tool to reach young people in the most relevant way. I recommend it for every youth pastor to give to every teenager!"
Pastor Denny Duron
"The Truth For Youth Bible is your weapon against the lies of our secular society."
William J. Murray
Son of deceased leading atheist
Madalyn Murray O'Hair
"Hard hitting and powerful, Tim Todd's Truth For Youth Bible speaks to the heart of today's youth culture. Tim has done his homework and understands the great pressures our young people face. The Truth For Youth packages the Word of God with a straight forward honesty that today's youth relate to. The Truth For Youth Bible is a MUST resource for every classroom in America!"
Pastor Mike Purkey
"Tim Todd's Truth For Youth Bible is making an eternal impact in our schools and around the country. I have personally seen how God is using them in our area and how powerful they have become."
Pastor Randy Valimont
Exciting First Assembly,
Griffin, GA
"I couldn't be more excited about The Truth For Youth Bible, a real tool for reaching and teaching the teenagers of America. Everyone recognizes the problems that confront the new millennium generation of teenagers but few are offering solutions. Your innovative and yet scriptural approach of taking God's Word and applying it directly to the great issues of life encourages me to press on in the full belief that God will restore this nation and send us one more sweeping revival."
Rick Scarborough
Author of best seller book, Enough Is Enough
"Young people have the right to distribute The Truth For Youth Bible at school during non instructional time. I highly recommend it!"
Mathew D. Staver
Liberty Counsel's Lead Attorney
"Young people everywhere are raving about The Truth For Youth Bible. We have many unsolicited testimonies from them telling us how their lives have been changed after reading the comics in this Bible!"
Dr. Cecil Todd
Tim Todd's Dad
"The Truth For Youth Bible is a wonderful tool to reach young people and nurture them in the ways of the Lord. It combines the powerful, timeless truth of God's Word with easy to understand messages geared to the pressures faced by today's youth."
The Late Bill Bright
Campus Crusades for Christ Founder/President
"The Truth For Youth Bible for teens clearly challenges today's young people about the issues they are facing today. The unique format grabs their attention with the Biblical truths that will transform their lives. I recommend it!"
The Late Dr. Jerry Falwell
"The Truth For Youth Bible is reaching young people using their language. The eight full color comic stories that address the issues facing our youth will help to deliver many of them from drugs, drinking and sexual promiscuity. Congratulations, Tim, for your work."
The Late Art Linkletter
"Congratulations to Tim Todd for The Truth For Youth Bible that is relevant for young people today. It makes reading the Bible exciting. America is ripe for this powerful tool to get God's Word into the hearts of a desperate generation."
The Late Pastor Billy Joe Daugherty
Purchase Your Own Spanish Truth for Youth® Bibles
The Truth for Youth® mission is to bring the message of the Gospel to young people so they might receive Christ and become His disciples. Now, you can order your own Truth for Youth® Bibles to giveaway to unsaved friends and teens.
Purchase by the Case
Truth For Youth Bibles below are only $2.00 each (our cost) when purchased by the case. Each case contains 50 Bibles.
Purchase Singles
Truth For Youth Bibles below are just $3.00 each when purchased as small, single quantities.