Bibles At The Border
Revival Fires asked to provide Spanish Truth For Youth Bibles to undocumented immigrant children ages 12-18 now entering America!

The number of children arriving from Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and Mexico at the US-Mexico border is at an all time high—and growing. Most of these young people are teenagers and are being apprehended in Texas.
Immigration experts say many of the unaccompanied children are coming to be reunited with family or to escape violence and poverty in their own countries.

“This overwhelming surge of immigrants coming into America illegally is not healthy for our nation. However, these young people are precious in God’s eyes. They need Jesus and they need Bibles!!”
– Dr. Tim Todd

“I view these precious young people from a Kingdom perspective, not a political perspective, through the eyes of our great God, not through the eyes of our great border control.”

I’m convinced that the rhetoric of the liberal political landscape in America has contributed the most to the increased numbers of immigrants coming into America illegally.

But I view these precious young people from a Kingdom perspective, not a political perspective, through the eyes of our great God, not through the eyes of our great border control.
“When these precious immigrants go into eternity, God is not going to ask them if they have a green card or U.S. citizenship. All that will matter is that their names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life.”
Will you help us order 50,000 Spanish Truth for Youth Bibles immediately to provide Bibles for these young men coming in and out of this facility? This will supply enough Bibles to last for a year!
Will you prayerfully consider helping us with the $100,000 cost of printing 50,000 Spanish Truth for Youth Bibles?
The Spanish Truth for Youth Bibles we are giving to these young men cost Revival Fires ONLY $2 TO PRINT and are boxed 50 Bibles to a case.
Will you consider providing a case of 50 of these Bibles with a gift of $100?
Any amount you give to help us reach these precious young people will be a tremendous help and greatly appreciated!

Several weeks ago Angie and I began praying about what God wanted us to do to effectively minister to the youth making their way into the United States from Central America.
I received a phone call just a few days ago from a pastor of a small church in South Texas. He is close friends with the director of the third-largest shelter in America which houses young men between the ages of 12-18 who have made their way to America illegally.
Amazingly, this facility director asked us to conduct evangelistic services in the facility for these young men and to give each one a Spanish Truth for Youth Bible!!!
The first evangelistic services and Truth for Youth Bible distribution took place Monday, May 3. We conducted two services and had an overwhelming response with the majority of them giving their lives to Jesus Christ!!! What an awesome sight to see these precious young people, weeping before God and surrendering their lives to Jesus Christ!
The facility director has also requested Revival Fires to provide these young men Spanish Truth for Youth Bibles on a regular basis! These young people are housed in the shelter for a limited amount of time then released into America with family members, sponsors, placed into foster care, or sent back to Central America. A different group of young men immediately replace the previous group in the shelter on a regular basis! What an awesome evangelism opportunity!
Please pray with us, that every one of these young people entering America illegally will have the opportunity to hear the message of salvation through the blood of the cross, receive a Spanish Truth for Youth Bible, and give their life to Jesus Christ as their personal savior!
We need to take advantage of this opportunity! While this door is open, we must run through it!
Thank you for praying and thank you for obeying,
Dr. Tim Todd