Taking the whole gospel to the whole world before Jesus comes!
Who Is Tim Todd And What Is So Special About The Ministry Of Revival Fires International?
In each generation, God seems to raise up special men and women to whom He gives the opportunity to be used in a mighty way. Tim is such a man. In his heart there burns a desire to reach every man, woman, young person and child on the face of the earth with the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ.
Tim has a special message for the church during this end-time revival. He conducts special services where God's Word is preached under the anointing of the Holy Ghost. Tim's message is pure gospel, his delivery is dynamic, and his heart is aflame with the power of God.

Tim has served in full time "front-lines" evangelistic ministry for more than thirty-eight years. He exhibits a God-given ability to preach in a clear and powerful manner under a strong anointing of the Holy Ghost.
Each message Tim preaches has a strong emphasis on Holy Ghost revival, commitment, holiness, renewal, healing and soul winning. In Tim's revival services and overseas evangelistic crusades thousands are being saved, reclaimed, filled with the Spirit, healed, delivered and set on fire for God.
What Pastors Are Saying About The Powerfully Anointed Ministry Of Evangelist Tim Todd
"Our revival services with Brother Todd have produced the greatest moves of God we have ever experienced in our church's history! Words cannot describe how much he has helped our church body!"
Randy Valimont
Senior Pastor First Assembly of God in Griffin, GA
"Tim Todd is one of America's most passionate preachers. His heart for the world and his gift of communication sets his ministry apart. I wholeheartedly recommend the ministry of Tim Todd and Revival Fires - I guarantee you won't be disappointed!"
Shane Warren
Lead Pastor of The Assembly in West Monroe, LA
"I am writing to affirm and recommend the powerfully anointed "revivalist" ministry of Tim Todd to every pastor. Tim comes to First Assembly in Shreveport every year and always has a fresh word from God that brings needed and positive change to our body. Tim is an extraordinarily great preacher, but more important, he communicates from the holiness of his character and the humility of his heart."
Denny Duron
Senior Pastor at Shreveport Community Church in Shreveport, LA
"I believe God's hand is upon Tim Todd. I thank God for the obvious anointing that rests upon his ministry. His ministry is timely, well prepared, clearly presented, challenging and excellent! Tim's evangelistic ministry will be a blessing to every church!"
J. Don George
Senior Pastor of Calvary Temple in Irving, TX
"Dr. Tim Todd's testimony is phenomenal and the most powerful I have ever heard! He has a special anointing on his life and is one of the very finest evangelists preaching today! I highly recommend him to every pastor."
Jesse Duplantis
"I would have to describe Tim as having a heart after God, the compassion of Christ, the fire of an evangelist, the depth of a seasoned theologian, the burden and sometimes blistering message of a prophet with a true desire to see real revival in this late hour."
Pastor David Nelson
"Evangelist Tim Todd represents the highest level of Christian commitment. He is an excellent preacher of the Word and he genuinely loves people. He is an effective revival preacher of the Word of God. Without reservation I am delighted to recommend his powerful ministry!"
Jerald Ogg
Former pastor of Kailua Assembly of God in Kailua, Hawaii and now gone on to be with the Lord
"Brother Todd waited on the Lord for the right messages for our Minister's Retreat and delivered with anointing! The pastors went back to their churches with a fresh touch from God!"
Woodrow Yasuhara
Former Hawaii District Superintendent of the Assemblies of God
"Tim Todd has a deep desire to see the lost saved, the backslidden restored and the sick healed. In our revival with him, everyone who came forward for prayer and healing received their healing instantaneously!"
Pastor Mike Leggett
Kenefick Baptist Church in Dayton, TX
"Tim is a unique man. God has laid His hand upon him in a beautiful way. He has only one desire: win the lost. His ability to communicate with people of all ages and cultures is uncanny!"
Veteran Missionary Charles Greenaway
"Tim is God's prophet to America!"
Richard Champion
Former Pentecostal Evangel Editor

Whether in the largest churches in America, the seediest slums in some third world country, or before national political leaders, Tim sees only one thing… people who need Jesus!

Did you know?
As a young man Tim won the "World Champion Preacher Boy Contest" sponsored by the famed Kiamichi Men's Clinic in southeast Oklahoma.

Tim attended Dallas Christian College in Dallas, TX; Central Bible College in Springfield, MO; Jimmy Swaggart Bible College in Baton Rouge, LA; and received an earned Doctor of Theology from North Carolina College of Theology in Wilmington, NC.
Tim grew up in the ministry of his father, Evangelist Cecil Todd, and in addition to being a powerfully anointed preacher of the Word he has a dynamic personal testimony. Tim's unique life experiences qualifies him for ministry to the entire family.